Many years ago I wrote a series of brief pieces for the radio show produced at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. These were short factual features about aspect of Catholicsm; not theological, homiletic or spiritual, but intended to highlight historical and cultural aspects of the faith. Below are some of the scripts I’ve managed to save. I haven’t had time to edit or update these much, so some references may be out of date.
- Abbreviations
- Acceptance of the Gospels
- Acts of the Apostles
- AD and BC
- Advent Calendars
- Advent Season
- Advent Wreaths
- Alacán Martyrs
- All Souls Day
- Alternative Christmas
- Ambrosian Rite Liturgy
- Angels
- Annunciation
- Anti-Catholic Literature
- Apocrypha
- Apophenia
- Bells
- Benedict XV
- Biblical Manuscripts
- Bingo
- Bishops’ Accoutrements
- Blessing of Animals
- Boniface VIII
- Book of Blessings
- Book of Kells
- Cadaver Synod
- Callistan Guil
- Camino de Santiago de Compostella
- Candles
- Canonical Rights
- Cardinal Newman
- Cardinals
- Castel Gondolfo
- Catacombs
- Catechumens
- Catholic Charities
- Charity and Justice
- Economic Justice
- Encyclicals
- Eucharistic Adoration
- Feast of St. Januarius
- How Long is Lent?
- Liturgical Calendar
- Roman Collars
- Seven Deadly Sins
- Unicorns in the Bible?
- Which Bible?
- Who’s a “Member” of the Church?